Your Universal Credit could be negatively affected if you do not inform them of changes in your circumstances. Even if these changes seem trivial, or are short-term, Universal Credit need to be made aware of these so that they can make the correct assessment regarding your entitlement each month. Failure to do this could in some cases result in people having to face a fine or even court.
Some changes in circumstances can affect how much you are paid for the whole assessment period, not just the date you report them. The DWP states, “You need to report changes as soon as they happen. Any delay may mean you receive too much money and will have to make a repayment.”
According to the website, these changes can include:
You can notify Universal Credit of any changes in your circumstances by logging on to your online Universal Credit account -
To find out more about Universal Credit, and whether you could be eligible, visit
You can also use an independent benefit calculator to find out what other benefits you may be entitled to based on your circumstances.
Entitled To:
If you live in North Ayrshire, and require assistance with benefits, housing or debt, CHAP can help. Call us for free on 030 0002 0002, email, or contact us via the live chat service on the website.