You are now likely to hear from creditors and debt collection firms as they return to their offices and the guidance window has ended.
The FCA has published additional guidance for firms, to ensure that consumers who have benefitted from payment deferrals under the current guidance who still face financial difficulties, as well as those whose financial situation may be newly affected by coronavirus after the current guidance ends, continue to get the support they need.
The measures mean firms will offer further short and longer-term support reflecting the circumstances of their customers. This could include extending the repayment term or restructuring of the mortgage. Where consumers need further short-term support, firms can continue to offer arrangements for no or reduced payments for a specified period to give customers time to get back on track. This additional guidance came into force on 16 September 2020.
The new guidance encourages firms to work with and support customers but does not guarantee payment holidays for those suffering financially, it is now up to the firms themselves to offer this or not.
We would like to remind you that we are still open and able to assist anyone struggling with debt, benefits or housing issues. Please contact us through our live chat service, which is available from 10am to 6pm Mondays and Wednesdays and 10am to 3pm on Fridays at or contact us via phone on 030 0002 0002.