The Scottish Government has confirmed it has allocated £10 million funding to councils to provide grants to tenants in rent arrears as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Announcing the funding allocation, that adds to a package of measures available to local authorities to prevent homelessness alongside discretionary housing payments and advice on maximising income, Housing Secretary Shona Robison said -
‘These grants will support tenants and landlords who are willing to work together to address rent arrears and agree a repayment plan to ensure the tenant is able to avoid eviction.
Councils have substantial experience in supporting people who have fallen behind on their rent and are therefore well placed to work with both tenants and landlords in making use of this grant fund. Anyone who has been financially impacted by the pandemic and needs help to avoid eviction should contact their local authority housing department to discuss their circumstances.’
The Scottish Government advises that the one-off grant funding to each local authority will be available until the end of March 2022. In addition, it confirms that there is no application process for tenants or landlords to use. Instead, local authorities will use their discretion to determine whether a grant payment is appropriate in individual circumstances.
If you require further information on the above, or if you need any other advice regarding benefits, housing or debt issues, you can contact CHAP through our live chat service, which is available from 9am to 5pm Mondays and Wednesdays and 10am to 3pm on Fridays at or you can contact us via phone on 030 0002 0002.