The Housing (Scotland) Bill proposes expanding the definition of domestic abuse and mandates social landlords to meet pre-action requirements prior to eviction proceedings.
Housing Minister Paul McLennan has detailed the Scottish Government's initiatives to improve housing support for domestic abuse survivors.
Before an evidence session with the Social Justice and Social Security Committee on June 27th, 2024, Mr. McLennan provided further details to Committee Convener Collette Stevenson about the Bill's provisions related to domestic abuse.
Key points include:
Scottish Housing Minister Paul McLennan has outlined the government's plans to enhance housing support for domestic abuse survivors through the Housing (Scotland) Bill. The bill includes expanding the definition of domestic abuse, requiring social landlords to develop policies on gender-based violence, and mandating pre-action requirements before eviction proceedings. These measures aim to ensure comprehensive support and consideration for those affected by domestic abuse.
At CHAP, our advisors offer free, independent and confidential advice to people in North Ayrshire struggling with a range of housing issues or homelessness. If you need to speak to someone about a housing matter which is impacting your life, please call our office using freephone number: 030 0002 0002 or talk to an advisor using our live chat service available here on our website.
We also provide free, confidential support on a range of debt and benefit issues.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, contact North Ayrshire Women’s Aid: 01294 602424 (Select option 2).
Outwith office hours you can call the 24hr national helpline: 0800 027 1234 or visit their website.