Background in hospitality sector at senior level followed by a period with Jobcentreplus then local newspaper prior to joining Chamber in 1999
Heads up team of 20 based at Glasgow Prestwick Airport.
Ayrshire is a national award winning Chamber with over 800 members of all sizes and sectors and is largest non-city Chamber in Scotland and one of only seven British Chambers accredited in Scotland
Role involves working in partnership with both public, private sector and social enterprise organisations working together to enable the Ayrshire economy and Val sits on many other Boards and Community groups.
She is also a Director of Scottish Chambers of Commerce.
Being passionate about education encouraged the Chamber’s involvement in schools leading to the Chamber co-ordinating the Work Experience Programme across three local authority areas together with all aspects of employer engagement for past 13 years. Ayrshire Chamber also hosts the Regional Developing Young Workforce and is a Kickstarts Gateway.
Truly believes in Ayrshire doing business with Ayrshire which led to the launch of a new Ayrshire Connect platform promoting all that is great about Ayrshire.
On the personal front married with three grown up children and five grand children.
Enjoys walking and amongst many charity walks completed Great Wall of China Trek in aid of local hospice in 2009 raising almost £5K. Also enjoys cooking particularly for family gatherings.