Creating and managing a personal budget can help to cut out unnecessary costs, save you money, and prevent you running up debts. It helps you to pay bills on time, set some money aside, and prepare for emergencies.
49% of UK households are paying for subscription services they no longer use, wasting almost £170 per year, with 15% of those saying that they don’t have the time to go through their finances and cancel the unused ones. *However, setting this time aside to review your finances and set a budget could save households hundreds of pounds per year.
If you’re struggling to keep on top of your budget, may be able to help get your finances back on track.
With their free ‘budget planner’ you can take more control of your spending and avoid any future debt issues.
Reach out for advice sooner than later. If you are in need of extra assistance, our dedicated advisors here at CHAP are here for you.
CHAP provides free, impartial advice to anyone in North Ayrshire facing benefits, housing, or debt issues. Call us for free on 030 0002 0002, or via the live chat service on our website.
*information from, published 21/06/2021.